Ответы к учебнику по англисйкому языку за 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 5. Номер 4

What was your childhood like? Do the test to define it.
1) Which of these things are closest to those that existed in your home when you were a young child?
a) More or less total confusion with everyone doing more or less what they wanted, making as much noise as they liked.
b) A certain amount of noise and confusion, but periods of quiet and discipline at certain regular times, for example mealtimes.
c) A quiet disciplined house.
2) Which of the following is closest to the situation in your house as far as watching television was concerned?
a) The TV set was on the whole time whether people were watching it or not.
b) TV viewing was limited to a few programmes each day and these programmes were specifically selected.
c) There was no TV in the house.
3) In your family did you …
a) have leisure activities that you shared as a family?
b) each have your own individual leisure activity?
c) have no particular leisure activities?
4) As a child did you …
a) get regular pocket money?
b) earn money for doing jobs around the house?
c) get money from your parents according to your needs and whenever you asked for it?
d) have no pocket money at all?
5) Did you go to bed …
a) at a regular time?
b) at a regular time with exceptions for special occasions?
c) whenever you liked?
6) What were the eating habits in your family?
a) Mealtimes were regular and social occasions.
b) Mealtimes were chaotic and rushed.
c) Everybody ate when and where they liked, helping themselves out of the refrigerator.
7) If you behaved badly, were you …
a) reprimanded severely?
b) given any kind of physical punishment?
c) punished in any other way?
d) not reprimanded at all?
8) With your parents did you …
a) talk about any subject under the sun?
b) talk about most things, except one or two taboo subjects?
c) not communicate freely on most subjects?
9) In your home, were other people, family and friends …
a) always welcome?
b) sometimes welcome?
c) never welcome?
Now count the points.


4535: Your family life was easy−going and free of anything that limited your freedom of action. This is in line with the modern theory of upbringing in which self−expression is considered more important than discipline. However, this may speak of parents who cannot cope with their children or who are too busy elsewhere to be very interested in what goes on at home.
3520: This score speaks of a balanced and reasonable family life. You were probably not allowed to get away with just anything as a child, but had understanding and caring parents who put a great deal of thought into creating happy home environment.
Less than 20: This score suggests a rather severe and strict family atmosphere. However, it may be a sign of a more traditional upbringing.

What was your childhood like? Do the test to define it.
1) Which of these things are closest to those that existed in your home when you were a young child?
a) More or less total confusion with everyone doing more or less what they wanted, making as much noise as they liked.
b) A certain amount of noise and confusion, but periods of quiet and discipline at certain regular times, for example mealtimes.
c) A quiet disciplined house.
2) Which of the following is closest to the situation in your house as far as watching television was concerned?
a) The TV set was on the whole time whether people were watching it or not.
b) TV viewing was limited to a few programmes each day and these programmes were specifically selected.
c) There was no TV in the house.
3) In your family did you …
a) have leisure activities that you shared as a family?
b) each have your own individual leisure activity?
c) have no particular leisure activities?
4) As a child did you …
a) get regular pocket money?
b) earn money for doing jobs around the house?
c) get money from your parents according to your needs and whenever you asked for it?
d) have no pocket money at all?
5) Did you go to bed …
a) at a regular time?
b) at a regular time with exceptions for special occasions?
c) whenever you liked?
6) What were the eating habits in your family?
a) Mealtimes were regular and social occasions.
b) Mealtimes were chaotic and rushed.
c) Everybody ate when and where they liked, helping themselves out of the refrigerator.
7) If you behaved badly, were you …
a) reprimanded severely?
b) given any kind of physical punishment?
c) punished in any other way?
d) not reprimanded at all?
8) With your parents did you …
a) talk about any subject under the sun?
b) talk about most things, except one or two taboo subjects?
c) not communicate freely on most subjects?
9) In your home, were other people, family and friends …
a) always welcome?
b) sometimes welcome?
c) never welcome?
Now count the points.


4535: Your family life was easy−going and free of anything that limited your freedom of action. This is in line with the modern theory of upbringing in which self−expression is considered more important than discipline. However, this may speak of parents who cannot cope with their children or who are too busy elsewhere to be very interested in what goes on at home.
3520: This score speaks of a balanced and reasonable family life. You were probably not allowed to get away with just anything as a child, but had understanding and caring parents who put a great deal of thought into creating happy home environment.
Less than 20: This score suggests a rather severe and strict family atmosphere. However, it may be a sign of a more traditional upbringing.


ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 5. Номер №4


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Перевод задания
Каким было Ваше детство? Пройдите тест, чтобы узнать.
1) Что из этого наиболее похоже на то, что было в Вашем доме?
a) более или менее полная путаница, когда каждый делает более или менее то, что он хочет, издает столько шума, сколько ему нравится.
b) определенное количество шума и неразберихи, но периоды спокойствия и дисциплины в определенное время, например, во время еды
c) довольно дисциплинированный дом
2) Какая из этих ситуаций наиболее похожа на ту, что происходит в Вашем доме, если рассматривать просмотр телевизора?
a) телевизор включен все время независимо от того, смотрят его или нет
b) просмотр телевизора был ограничен просмотром нескольких программ в день, и эти программы были специально выбраны
c) в доме не было телевизора
3) В вашей семье вы…
a) занимались чем−то в свободное время, что объединяло семью?
b) у каждого было свое хобби?
c) не было никаких особенных занятий в свободное время?
4) Ребенком Вы..
a) получали карманные деньги регулярно?
b) зарабатывали деньги, выполняя работу по дому?
c) получали деньги от своих родителей для своих нужд и когда Вы просили?
d) не получали карманные деньги вообще?
5) Вы ложились спать…
a) в определенное время регулярно?
b) в определенное время регулярно, за исключением особых случаев?
c) когда хотелось?
6) Каким было питание в Вашей семье?
a) приемы пищи были регулярными и семейным мероприятием.
b) приемы пищи были хаотичными и торопливыми.
c) все ели когда и где хотели, питаясь едой из холодильника
7) Если Вы вели себя плохо, Вы…
a) получали строгий выговор?
b) получали какое−то физическое наказание?
c) были наказаны другим способом?
d) вообще не были наказаны?
8) Со своими родителями Вы…
a) разговаривали обо всем?
b) разговаривали о многом, за исключением одной−двух тем табу?
c) не общались свободно на многие темы?
9) В вашем доме другим людям, семье и друзьям…
a) были рады всегда?
b) были рады иногда?
c) были не рады?
Теперь посчитай баллы.


4535: Ваша семья была приятной в общении и свободной от любых ограничений свободы действий. Это совпадает с современной теорией воспитания, в которой самовыражение считается важнее дисциплины. Однако так можно говорить о родителях, которые не справляются с детьми или слишком заняты где−то еще, чтобы быть заинтересованными в том, что происходит дома.
3520: Этот итог говорит о сбалансированной и разумной семейной жизни. Вам, скорее всего, ничего не сходило с рук в детстве, но у Вас были понимающие и заботливые родители, которые придавали огромное значение созданию счастливой домашней атмосферы.
Менее 20: Этот итог предполагает скорее суровую и строгую семейную атмосферу. Однако это может быть знаком традиционного воспитания.

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